Welcome to How-to-Price

Menu of Services:
  1. Demand Estimation & Forecasting 
  2. Single-seller Pricing 
  3. Pricing under Competition
  4. Booking & Reservations
  5. Investment Decisions
  6. Public-utility Pricing 
  7. Industry Regulation 
  8. Distance, Routing, & Logistics
  9. Misc. Calculations 
  10. Supporting-Material 

Web Site


"Your guide to pricing techniques and yield-management"

How-to-PriceTM provides the business community with the software for helping in making decisions how to price products and services, and the utilization of other marketing strategies. 

Overview:   The computations performed in this site cannot replace the common-sense and intuition of sales and marketing officers. Therefore, the purpose of this site is only to offer some support for those who make pricing decisions.  However, the user should carefully check whether the assumptions of the models underlying these computations match the particular environment in question. The algorithms built into this software utilize modern theories taken from theoretical economics and yield-management research.  

This site is under construction.  The work on this project has begun on January 2002 and is likely to continue for a few years, with the intention of writing computer software to be used on various operating systems.

Copyright © 2002  How-to-PriceTM  All rights reserved.

1.  Estimation and Forecasting of Demand Functions & Related Parameters


2. Single-Seller Pricing


3.  Pricing Under Competition


4.  Booking and Reservations


5Investment Decisions


6.  Public-Utility Pricing


7.  Regulation of the Industry


8.  Distance, Routing, and Logistics


9.  Miscellaneous Calculations


10.  Supporting Material


Copyright © 2002  How-to-PriceTM  All rights reserved.

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